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RE: Time To Circle J*rk On 3Speak (No It Isnt What You Think)

in LeoFinance3 years ago

I like the direction you're taking here! There's a lot that can be added to these points as well. As soon as 3Speak hits the asphalt these types of collabs will naturally occur a lot. The reward system on the HIVE Blockchain is too thin for collaboration networks to form and sustain themselves in my opinion. V4V is already going in the right direction and spin-up communities on 3speaknetwork will enable targeted add additions to round that up.


The idea isnt about rewards per se. It is more about the positioning of people on Hive and 3Speak for their expertise. On YouTube you see this little communities of "experts" appearing on the channels of each other, pulling the users with them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most Hive users are too much focused on the rewards. I am not going to lie. Me too. But we need a different approach, if we really want to see this platform succeed.

Well, you're not here for the Birthday Calander or to look for people you just met in a bar. You will not visit a Hive front to check local farmers' market offers or when to expect. You're not coming back to check on school anniversaries or ancient study groups from back in the day. There's no Blackboard here and the timeline is changing very slowly. You can't dwell over massive personal picture archives of friends and family, check the single status of somebody, or place a rating for a business.

Feel free to go and create such features for a Hive Frontend, it is possible but there's no incentive to do so.

You see that appears as soon as revenue allows to have a management layer. You're putting out a lot of content, you know that time is thin and information fast. I've been organizing real-life social events, go try to coordinate five people for a location and theme, you'll end up with 20 people involved. Pre- and post-production for the content, posting strategy, adding some revenue stream, preparing a tight schedule, creating a proper deal for everyone, handle all the petty problems arising. Hive Fest is a good example of such an Event in scale.

Pure online is a bit different, but if you want it to be worth the time and have a real network effect it needs to be done vigorously as well. That's the minimum required effort and I don't see the incentives scale properly with this effort.

The day somebody can make a living by just managing and editing collaborations between HIVER, that's the day you'll see it happening widespread. Because it's such a load of work, it's not a sidle hustle - especially with all those time zones involved.