Meanwhile, it turns out that if I traded 100 USD worth and got the movement right by 1000 USD change in price, my gain is nigh deleted by the size of the commission fee. If only I could be my own referral...
All right, one step at a time...let's be patient this time and wait for a moment that's right-right or no moment at all.
How is that possible?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Who the what, now? One is not possible, the other was exaggerated...
Not possible being my own referral, sadly ;) I mean the exchange would give me a portion of the fee for each trade a referred friend makes. And I am one who makes many micro trades, inducing many fees...sometimes large enough to make micro trades not that attractive. I had some free trade credits but those are now gone.
And I would have gained about 3 k Satoshi on a sell 1000 USD above the price that I last bought a 100 USD worth of BTC. Those 3 k are not zero... close to 1.5 % gain... rather than the full 2 % so it turns out the fee is about 25 % of the gain. Still felt more at first glance, i.e. when I wrote my obviously inaccurate statement ;)