I've been thinking about relativity...since I pretty much went into second layer tokens with most of the liquid Hive but that was generated by liquidating other second layer tokens mostly... Have I lost value? The USD value remains pretty much the same. No loss there. But in Hive, it would have trippled. Yes loss there. Yet I am quite better off than before, so perhaps a win after all.
Going further back, there was a moment Hive was above 12 k Satoshi. It's growing fast now, 4.6 k as I write but still way below that 12 k mark. So, ATH in USD is still not ATH in BTC.
If my grandmother were a male...
a good local saying goes.
Peace and Parsley!
it is hard to factor in foregone loss, because you (and I) did the best we could at the time we did it. In hindsight, it all looks easy, but in the moment, it is far more variable. Overall though, we are better off, aren't we?
I don't think we will get an ATH against BTC unless BTC moves down and Hive up. I think BTC will move before that though.
If my aunty was my uncle...