An interesting take on that but doesn't it rely on immigrants and homeless costing as much by the end of the year. Maybe there'd be some high inflation in terms of homeless and immigrants offered on the market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
An interesting take on that but doesn't it rely on immigrants and homeless costing as much by the end of the year. Maybe there'd be some high inflation in terms of homeless and immigrants offered on the market.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah, that is true of course, but then again, it might be the other way around as well. If citizens get to play a more important role in future editions, prices of homeless and immigrants may go up.
It's anyone's guess really. You will receive one of the art gallery's.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And it is highly possible that they will. First edition will stop printing soon and with homes and apartments gone, it means other means of acquiring population are going to become more pricey