
Here, let's ask random Hianians what they think about it: @hivetrending

I need him to start doing Hive Today again hehe

hahaha, speeking about coincidence right? With just one message, look what you are acheaving LOL

hahaha the magic of the premium on Inleo

I wonder where this will go if I would also tag... @alex-rourke :D

What you think Alex, should Manu do it?

  1. I say YES!
  2. I think Manu just got himself into a pickle! Now he HAS to do it no matter what I say😄.

As a bonus for tagging me, I'm going to make a video announcing this new daily thread about HIVE thanks to the amazing @manuphotos.

Good job Manu!

OMG, I am in troubles

Nice one Alex 🙌 Looks like that rabbit hole is getting deeper and deeper for Manu 😅

That is cheating hahaha, that is a yes for sure

No no, let him speak for himself Manu! 😁 You started the whole thing, now deal with it 😝

Let’s talk more. I need help

Just do it! I will turn the Hive Cuba newsletter in your Spanish version with my personal thoughts haha

Even having people post 1 interesting thing every day, is a great start. Don’t need a big thread

Well this Thread is getting longer cause now you showed up 😁

I'll start now. 1 cool thing coming right up.