The spot price of silver is the current market price at which silver can be bought or sold for immediate delivery. It is affected by different factors, including supply and demand, economic conditions, and global events. It is usually quoted per ounce of silver. The spot price fluctuates based on market activity, including trading on commodity exchanges like the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX). This price reflects the value of silver in its raw, unrefined form and serves as a benchmark for transactions.
However, when purchasing physical silver, such as coins or bars, the buyer usually pays more than the spot price. This difference is called the premium. The premium represents the additional costs associated with minting, distribution, and securing the silver. It also includes the dealer’s markup for profit. The premium can vary based on factors like the type of silver product, demand for specific items, and the quantity purchased.
In summary, the spot price provides a baseline value for silver, while the premium reflects the extra costs of acquiring physical silver products.
The current spot price of silver is US$ 31.46 per ounce.
The average price for silver in online sites is US$ 38 per ounce
It is interesting to see the difference between spot and retail prices and do you think this trend will continue, given the current global economic conditions?
I think that the premium represents a correction towards the real value of silver
Good to know about the price of Silver and the Premium. Although I have an idea of the price of some other things, I have no idea of the truth about them. thank you
The silver price in dollars is increasing over time. It will be increasing for some time in the future