I think it's better the way it is now because it helps generate more volume for CUB and hence more trading fees.
If CUB-BNB is the major pool, then CUB's price will move with BNB's price. It's easy to arbitrage a low liquidity CUB-BUSD pool.
However, when CUB-BUSD is the major pool, BNB's volatility leads to lots of arbitrage opportunities which require more volume.
I might be completely wrong on that, and have no evidence. Just seems intuitive, although my intuition was wrong many times before with Defi stuff.
Interesting thought.
I think it really depends on the difference in price.
Say CUB goes x4 and BNB goes x4, when both coins mirror each other, there is no arbitrage.
Both of the ratios on either side stay the same.
If CUB lost 50% and BNB spiked x4, the volume would be pretty massive...
Regardless of all that... I think it's pretty obvious that if CUB/BNB is the bigger pool then we are more pegged to BNB. However, that's exactly what I want... I want to be more pegged to BNB because I'm super bullish on BNB till the end of the year. That's the entire point I'm trying to get at. Free money for everyone. Ride the coattails up with the rest of the market just like LEO does with Ethereum.
I'm not really interested in creating higher volume from arbitrage opportunities.
Pancakeswap fees are very low and insignificant compared to the farmed rewards.
Yes, maybe focusing on being pegged to BNB is more important then focusing on trading fees.
I love trading fees because they are pure gains, outside of the closed loop ponzi like farming activity. I think they are underestimated by everyone.
But again, following BNB's price might be a better strategy if people don't keep selling their CUB rewards.