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RE: Marketing Update 26 / A few Hive review videos / Brave ads landing page in works / complete redesign.

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Have you tried contacting Coinbureau?

Also, about trying to reach Raoul Pal, a good way might be to join as a Real Vision Blacklist member. This probably costs thousands of dollards, but it will provide direct access to Raoul.

Once we have that, we can dangle hive in front of his eyes.


Yes, I contacted Coinbureau. No response unfortunately.

The blacklist doesnt even have a price on his site. PRO is like 2500 USD a year. Blacklist is prolly 10k+. It could be worth it if whales like @theycallmedan bought in and talked Hive to Raoul. Id assume theres rules against shilling so it would need to be tasteful.

I wouldnt be ready to spend marketing funds on that right now.

Dan, if you read the comment, heres a link, you know Raoul Pal, hes a big Community Tokenization proponent and a big crypto name. So far I havent had any success in reaching him.

The blacklist doesnt even have a price on his site. PRO is like 2500 USD a year. Blacklist is prolly 10k+. It could be worth it if whales like @theycallmedan bought in and talked Hive to Raoul. Id assume theres rules against shilling so it would need to be tasteful.

Exactly, I thought about proposing this. Although since this would benefit all of HIVE, funding it using the DAO makes sense. Maybe we can make a new proposal for that alone or just add more to the marketing budget.

Im not sure its something that would pass as a proposal. How would you even title the proposition? You would still need someone to send.
But, then again, whatever works.

"Additional funds for the marketing proposal"

It has been going extremely well, so why wouldn't people vote.