Show me a better way to make money online than Hive. I'll wait here. There really isn't one. Anything better than Hive requires years of blood, sweat, and tears to amount to anything, and that if you're both lucky and talented to boot.
Some people are told they should write their blog for a year without expecting a single penny of profit, while I've seen introduction posts on Hive pay out significant sums of money. Hive is unmatched across the entire internet, and still goes largely ignored somehow. It is a truly mindblowing scenario to be in. Keep stacking.
They can't believe their eyes when they see it or their ears when they're told about it. The funny thing is that some of us are so spoiled that we complain when we see someone here make more than themselves despite all of us making more than 99.99% of all content creators online who put in similar effort.