This is an excellent post. Your answer mentions a lot of the important nuances when it comes to these maxims.
Quite often, a measure of potential loss must be accepted in return for a chance to gain. Particularly when the potential gains are life-changing, accepting potential non-life changing losses is really a no-brainer.
Crypto is a perfect example of why #3 is not necessarily true. In Bitcoin and many altcoins the largest gains are made after extremely powerful rallies that take place within just a few weeks. The losses typically take much longer to materialize. Buying a bag of shitcoins at the top and holding it too long is the worst mistake one can make.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are quite a few more embedded and they splinter into more.
I think perhaps mentally, the brain just hears "loss" and often we treat all of them rather the same, without looking at the different perspectives of each.
Are you in the market for some bags? :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If you're talking about shitcoins, I believe it is too late. :D