I certainly hope it will reach the outside of the ecosystem easily.
I believe it will be easier to accomplish now than, say, three years ago. Crypto is not such a boogeyman to Joe Average as it used to be. But we have our work cut out for us. It won't happen just like that. I think Twitter is key, again. If we can convince a lot of Quorans that getting paid for answering questions is better than not getting paid, then we will succeed, however unbelievable it might be that that would be an object - in my experience it has been. The lockdowns are seriously hurting a lot of people, which is why answering questions online and getting paid for it even in these mysterious and a little suspicious cryptocurrencies is certainly better than going hungry and without power. Besides, it should dawn on the philanthropists on Quora than they can still donate their earnings instead of them being cashed out by millionaire venture capitalists who buy dreamboats and mansions with them. A lot of needy people using Hive may not be good for the price in the short term but it can help grow the ecosystem tremendously leading to massive long-term gains.