The foremost struggle confronting the Democrat party is one of identity: its own. Since 2015 it defined itself in terms of Donald Trump. What happens in 2028 when he goes 2 Mar-a-Lago for good? Without him to froth over, that party is lost.
It was a problem when the Republican Party was transitioning from Bush's Party-- father & son-- to Trump's Party. It became Trump's Party as soon as he wiped out a field of 16+ competitors in 2016. Now the GOP is solidly a Trump party.
Also-- for some reason I can't explain-- the Democrat Party and the Republican Party swapped identities. Democrats used to be the for the working man while Republicans favored elites. Since 2016, it's been the reverse.
The foremost struggle confronting the Democrat party is one of identity: its own. Since 2015 it defined itself in terms of Donald Trump. What happens in 2028 when he goes 2 Mar-a-Lago for good? Without him to froth over, that party is lost.
Isn't it the same with Republicans?
It was a problem when the Republican Party was transitioning from Bush's Party-- father & son-- to Trump's Party. It became Trump's Party as soon as he wiped out a field of 16+ competitors in 2016. Now the GOP is solidly a Trump party.
Also-- for some reason I can't explain-- the Democrat Party and the Republican Party swapped identities. Democrats used to be the for the working man while Republicans favored elites. Since 2016, it's been the reverse.