
Oh Wow!

I saw this post, good you shared here on threads too... More eyes would be on it

Yes, you're correct..but I saw it in hive blogging

I don't take every advice given to me, when ever someone gives me advice I meditate on it, if is useful I apply it but if it's not I discharge them

That's a good strategy...most people ill advise out of hatred and to cause harm to the advised.

Not at all, i think over it and come to conclusion. You give me advice and i make decision

Advice can be very good and necessary onto human growth , due to how things are leading towards here on Earth . Mostly our environment. #

I try to evaluate advice and look at its merit. This has saved me from mistakes. I once was adviced to end a relationship, but the reasons lacked merit. I continued and ended up with this amazing person I cherish as a partner.

The worst advice I've ever received is that of wasting my hard earned money on a ponxi scheme. I regretted it till