Will bitcoin lose its value over time? Like the current fiat currencies that have over time loss their value over excessive printing, government mismanagement #threadstorm #outreach
Will bitcoin lose its value over time? Like the current fiat currencies that have over time loss their value over excessive printing, government mismanagement #threadstorm #outreach
Inflation is a world problem that has crippled our economy, will bitcoin become the only solution against inflation, can it standout in difficult financial crisis? Is bitcoin too big to fail?
Are we too early to start asking ourselves if bitcoin will fail anytime soon? check out the link below to find out more
yes. So long as any system is utilized in a debt method (vs a capital system), then it will losing value due to the negative interest over time.
we can all speculate on what bitcoin might look like years from now I believe it could hold the economy and strengthen it but there have to be mass adoption and usecase first
Bitcoin may or may not lose value over time. Not like fiat. Bitcoin "prints" less. Less bitcoin in mined and rewarded to miners over time. This creates scarcity. Bitcoin has gone up and appears will continue to do so. #bitcoin #btc
I think this may be the final moon though. The whales will feed and then say the tech doesn't work. My Theory.
Well they are good at coming up with flimsy excuses about blockchain technology just like the energy consumption saga with more ETF we can have more moon
It 21 million max supply gives bitcoin a better advantage over fiat currency and a best solution against inflation