In your mind perhaps. No one asked you anything right now in that respect, so you should know when to stop. Your arrogance and rudimentary English vocabulary in terms of insults just go to show the contrary, at least before my eyes... If you really were to insult me professionally and efficiently (on no normal grounds I might add), you should've used better and more intelligent terms (or is it that money can't actually buy that?).
If you think that was truly funny, you certainly have an attitude problem, regardless of how financially rich you are here on HIVE. Perhaps one day you'll learn that money is merely an illusion and that is not as important as you might think it is (only on a fallen Luciferian, lost planet like this, still solely up to a certain extent). A very wise advice if I might add: money can't buy many important things in life, most notably common sense, even if you are right in some penalty decisions towards other users (that, coupled with more intelligent insults).
P.S.: Your comment regarding the NFTs was disgusting and it certainly goes to show how low your empathy, respect, and emotional intelligence truly is, before my eyes at least. Instead of low, come to really think of it, I would replace it with inexistent, once again at least before my eyes... And there is nothing to smile about, ruthless Satanist (since your description doesn't seem to be merely a cynical joke, not a very bright one while we are at it...).
Lol. You seem to be obsessed by other people's "wealth".
And for the record, as you don't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed, you are the one casting aspersions and insults on others. I have accused you of little only told you how your behaviour looks. Which you really don't like.
Its hard when someone holds up a mirror to you, eh?
Rest assured I don't give a poxy damn about other people's wealth, especially some like you. As for the sharpest tool in the shed, oh, well, you must know a lot to make such a claim. As for the aspersions and insults, that is not the point in my comments, as I previously mentioned. You have accused me of a lot by making such false claims so at least be responsible of what you write.
As for my behaviour, regardless of whether I like it or not, one thing is for certain, it is certainly not like yours. You were not holding any mirror towards me, give me a break. And it is 'It's' not 'Its'. If you really want to hold a mirror towards someone know that makes quite a difference in literary regards... Just sayin'... Anyway, best regards. I won't be replying to any of your comments here from this point forth. Good luck downvoting other minnows instead.
You are really certain about that, aren't you? Better fragile than rude, ruthless, and arrogant. And you certainly missed the point. Those are not my NFTs per se, but you wouldn't understand that anyway, certainly. 🙂
In your mind perhaps. No one asked you anything right now in that respect, so you should know when to stop. Your arrogance and rudimentary English vocabulary in terms of insults just go to show the contrary, at least before my eyes... If you really were to insult me professionally and efficiently (on no normal grounds I might add), you should've used better and more intelligent terms (or is it that money can't actually buy that?).
If you think that was truly funny, you certainly have an attitude problem, regardless of how financially rich you are here on HIVE. Perhaps one day you'll learn that money is merely an illusion and that is not as important as you might think it is (only on a fallen Luciferian, lost planet like this, still solely up to a certain extent). A very wise advice if I might add: money can't buy many important things in life, most notably common sense, even if you are right in some penalty decisions towards other users (that, coupled with more intelligent insults).
P.S.: Your comment regarding the NFTs was disgusting and it certainly goes to show how low your empathy, respect, and emotional intelligence truly is, before my eyes at least. Instead of low, come to really think of it, I would replace it with inexistent, once again at least before my eyes... And there is nothing to smile about, ruthless Satanist (since your description doesn't seem to be merely a cynical joke, not a very bright one while we are at it...).
Lol. You seem to be obsessed by other people's "wealth".
And for the record, as you don't appear to be the sharpest tool in the shed, you are the one casting aspersions and insults on others. I have accused you of little only told you how your behaviour looks. Which you really don't like.
Its hard when someone holds up a mirror to you, eh?
Rest assured I don't give a poxy damn about other people's wealth, especially some like you. As for the sharpest tool in the shed, oh, well, you must know a lot to make such a claim. As for the aspersions and insults, that is not the point in my comments, as I previously mentioned. You have accused me of a lot by making such false claims so at least be responsible of what you write.
As for my behaviour, regardless of whether I like it or not, one thing is for certain, it is certainly not like yours. You were not holding any mirror towards me, give me a break. And it is 'It's' not 'Its'. If you really want to hold a mirror towards someone know that makes quite a difference in literary regards... Just sayin'... Anyway, best regards. I won't be replying to any of your comments here from this point forth. Good luck downvoting other minnows instead.
Lol. If you thought that was disgusting you must be a fragile soul.
Good job I didn't post my original comment which was "no one gives a fuck about your NFTs" 🤣
You are really certain about that, aren't you? Better fragile than rude, ruthless, and arrogant. And you certainly missed the point. Those are not my NFTs per se, but you wouldn't understand that anyway, certainly. 🙂
I do believe you stated in your last comment:
Looks like you couldn't even get that right.