This Christmas Crypto Explosion will make MILLIONAIRES
The Kale Show
Now obviously this headline is clickbait because we are not so sure that anything will happen for Christmas, although Crypto has made millionaires out of people right now we are in a bit of a dip. With the FEDS printing lots of money and the news talked about increasing interest rates three times over the course of 2022, lots can happen. But we must remember that this is all talk. The adoption and use of coins will drive the price and cycles will continue. Only the best coins and projects will survive but all still need to have patience. Some say it’s game over, some say it’s the best time to buy. Lots of people don’t believe in alt coins and some believe in a select few, but whatever you believe, it can be super unpredictable and there is always a risk. It’s important to pick projects that add value to the world, I feel like that should be a given.
In this video there are some alt coins that he mentions that he is wanting to buy if bitcoin breaks 53k, if bitcoin breaks that resistance line and it turns into a support line (reading charts isn’t my thing but is pretty cool to see all the patterns and make predictions with them). Coins like Avax, Luna, Matic, and EGold. These are coins that I honestly have no idea about but I think that the guy on youtube with lots of subscribers and more knowledge than me might know a thing or two more. Although, remember my last post? Make sure you do your own research. Don’t be impulsive like me and buy Luna and Matic. Also, if you look at the comments (which I didn’t do until way later) lots of people say that he is wrong and others say he’s the realest. I guess everyone’s a judge.
I don’t really watch the news, and I know that’s probably one reason I have no idea what’s going on in the world or with crypto, but there is a lot of exciting things happening out there in the world. Main stream celebrities and companies are getting into it. Buying specific alt coin projects or launching their own just because they can but also because this will play a huge role in the future of altcoins. I am not one for keeping up with the Kardashians but the rest of the world looks up to their stars so it’s important to know who says what and does what. In Altcoin Daily’s Federal reserve about to pump crypto markets in 2022 video he mentions a few of these mainstream celebrity moments to keep an eye on. Michael Jordan has his Solana App for athletes. Obviously, this is a very targeted group which makes it that much more fun. There’s the HEIR token on the Solana blockchain and also NFT asses with a bunch of community building features. It’s all very interactive and super fun. Kevin Durant, another sporty guy, has a new promotional deal with Coinbase. This is a pretty big deal because he doesn’t do a lot of brand deals so that says a lot about his belief in Coinbase and crypto in general. Lots of sports getting into the crypto scene with Nike buying RTFKT (digital sneaker brand). It has just come to my attention that this coin is pronounces like artifact. One that isn’t sports related would be the AccuWeather Chainlink node going live. This provides weather data and will all weather data to be used in smart contracts (ask me what that is I have no idea right now) but it has something to do with powering decentralized applications. I’m not 100% on why this would be a big deal but apparently it provides data for about 1 billion people so that’s a pretty big company.
One thing that kind of steers me away from selling is that I don’t want to pay taxes on my small gains BUT I just found out that with choice app you pay 0 capital gains taxes. This is a pretty awesome thing right, especially if you are making major gains. Who wants to pay the FEDS right? Investing and trading with choice app just makes sense as that point. If anyone as an account with choiceapp please let me know in the comments if it’s worth getting because I already have so many accounts because of all the promotional deals, I can’t keep track (of course I could always write it down and keep track but that’s not relevant).
Something I really would love to get into is buying an NFT but also creating my own. I have an account with OpenSea and I’m not like amazing with photoshop or anything like that but I do have some ideas and who knows maybe I could make a dollar or something. Rarible has integrates it’s third blockhain, Tezos, which I own a little bit! So, that is pretty cool.
The last video I watched today (because I can only take so much nonsense being thrown my way) was Why the FED just set the stage for bitcoin to skyrocket by DataDash on youtube. He seems super knowledge and maybe that’s just because anyone who speaks about crypto automatically in comparison to me but he also has brave new world on his very empty bookshelf so that’s a sign he knows what’s up. He kind of summarizes whats going on in the news in regards to what the FEDS are talking about and how supposedly their interest rate talk is going to be really good for Bitcoin especially. IN 2022 they plan to raise the interest rates which we know, they plan on reducing the bond buying program possibly from the 120 billion that it’s at right now to half, if I understood that correctly. This is both a tricky time because we are in this cycle of high inflation which is not so great for the underlying economy with people being unemployed still and the crazy housing market and everything but it’s also a huge opportunity to buy Ethereum and Bitcoin right now because the charts support the evidence that Bitcoin will break its resistance and go up and Ethereum is possibly an even strong coin. Whether or not this is a transitory period, it’s definitely different than March of 2020 when the pandemic begins and things got all wacky. I’m definitely rooting for Ethereum and I definitely think that buying it now at it’s dip is not a bad idea. There’s always risk but sometimes it’s worth it, and who knows maybe we will all be millionaires (plus) by Christmas morning and Santa wont even need to come. I would love to hear others thoughts about the altcoins I mentioned and that news and other celebrity moments. Please comment down below 😊
the kale show
Altcoin Daily
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