I was out here trying to stack up on some games and collect some SP for this particular season. This is the first time that I was able to finally score even a single chest playing Modern Ranked matches. I finally have something to look forward to at the end of the season.
That's because I was finally able to spare some time to really get into the game and actually play some much-needed matches.
It may just be a precarious chest but I'm pretty glad to see it there because it's a start, right? And we all have to start somewhere. Maybe this is the start of a diligent routine wherein I could keep up playing the game.
I am also excited about what the season rewards could offer. Of course, I am not expecting much because I know that the rewards aren't really that great, at least for me. I don't really have the luck to pull something amazing out of those kinds of raffle thingy.
I managed to come up with some wins by making the most out of my cards. I don't have many cards but having a Level 2 summoner can really give you that bit of an advantage. It allows you to bring the same monsters but with a little bit of edge. Even a single additional HP can spell a huge difference in a close battle.
Also, I'm pretty excited that I was able to finish a single FOCUS challenge. At first, I thought that it was very much unattainable for a lowly account like mine but I was able to make it.
I was able to get this little Pelacor Bandit out of the Focus chest. It's not much, but it's an honest reward for an honest day's worth of work.
The funny thing, well, it's not that funny but it was pretty weird is I was able to accomplish both feats by defeating a bunch of similar accounts. I don't know, maybe they're BOTS or something, but it really is an interesting choice of a namesake. REMY? Does it stand for something or does it have a deeper meaning?
What I'm trying to say is I am entitled to these chests all thanks to these Remy's out here.
See? That's a lot of REMY, right? It doesn't matter what day it is though, if you're a REMY, just drop by and let's go!!!
Here's a sample battle I had against them Remy's: https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_a0c6b36325d7094ab428c7c33575ce0b&ref=rbshinichi
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121