My friend, me and you have our disagreements but I do defend you in some of these actions but not all. I understand you are trying to make the block chain a better place but sometimes a little to heavy handed.
I agree with your Hive flags but it did appear to go a little over the top at times. You understand the block chain better than me but I and I know many others would dispute the "rewards weren't yours until pay out" it is akin to working a job for a week and at the end your employer removing your wage stating that it wasn't yours because you haven't received it yet. Not to mention down voting has benefits for bigger accounts.
I think the entry into PoB purely to down vote could be seen as negative. Ascertaining dominance over a community. Yes there are also issues in PoB but they are everywhere. I have seen whales support other whales for wrong posts which they too even state were not correct.
I do feel for you in this incident as perhaps you shouldn't have been muted and it's not your fault. There are no conflict resolution processes. Today's issue is PoB tomorrow could be the next community. Something needs to be in place which is great that Blocktrades is working on something.
I don't agree with you leveling PoB main account on Hive purely to a disagreement and because you were muted. Others are muted from other accounts and that is a little over the top and could be seen as abuse also.
This post reads well but you also attack the person's character, I read a few of the posts in question and it did appear that there were possibly some health issues. I know alot of people may not care but it's a hard place to put someone in and everyone could see it was having a health impact on the person.
My opinion is that there needs to be a minimum and maximum payout amount. From where I sit I can see ALOT of people abusing the network including whales. Just because some invested in the Sun take over doesn't give them more power than anyone else.
I've been here since 2017 and as someone who does purchase Hive at times I have been put off. Mainly because it feels like this is just a platform for whales and not new investors. I put $8000 into CUB (which no doubt you received part of as I have rode it to 0) I didn't put it into Hive because I don't feel it is a good investment at times when I put effort into blogs, research, links and I am "muted" by some.
It really feels that there are two rules.
Hive needs change or something else will take its place.
Again, you're not fully wrong in this case.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think this is a false analogy.
The deal with an employer is that you get paid your wage in return for completing some work.
The deal on Hive is that a post receives a payout proportional to the value assigned to that post by the community. The community has 7 days to reach consensus on post value. The value of a post is only resolved at time of payout.
An upvote on hive does not immediately entitle you to the projected payout that vote carries.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Some people keep repeating that downvoters would benefit, but nobody can explain how. But keep on parroting bullshit, it's a good filter on who to take serious, and it saved me reading the rest of your comment.
I don't understand the comment you've made. Down voters don't benefit from down votes.
It may have been a misunderstanding, sorry for the tone then. What did you mean by this?
Sorry I have gotten my posts mixed up I thought this was else where.
All good alot has changed since this day.