
While that might currently be the US's official stance, I notice their politicians are also discussing Wuhan and covid with regards to blaming China and demanding compensation. So I'm not confident that they aren't also exacerbating problems behind the scenes. Besides, we all know how good the US is at selling arms to both sides in a war and only coming in to the fray after everyone else.

I've always thought that Australia is stuck between a rock and a hard place when it comes to the western connections and proximity to China. It's isolated, has a low population and little arsenal. I believe after the second war the reason they stole children from the UK was to try and increase the population as they were pretty much abandoned by the allies in the war. Did the white Australia policy also increase around then?

In recent decades they finally seemed to start seeing sense by improving relations with China and allowing more immigration from Asia. I do wonder if they are now being pushed to choose a side.

Ironically, when watching Justice League, Snyder cut last night one of the attacking aliens noted that the people of the world are so primitive they fight among themselves and can't unite themselves to put up a fight against a real threat.

Yes indeed that's when the first Australia policy came into full force as there we concerns of take over by immigration. I don't think those views have really ever changed amongst some.

I think China's attempts at shutting Australia up about COVID is a real indication of something being sus. Especially their extreme lengths to limit the World Health Organisation.

Well, they gave people from the UK free land. The stealing of kids and taking of convicts was rooted in populist politics. America was the place UK used to dump "criminals" as it was a vote winner in the UK. Eventually America said enough and passed laws prohibiting it and the UK was forced to find another location and quickly set off for Australia.

That is true

The US never want to go to war with China

I am even beginning to wonder if President Trump was trying to instigate one by the way he blasted them on the issue of the virus

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Now under Biden, Trump is being validated because they are blasting China for the virus.

So the political situation with China is getting very interesting.

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I'm of the belief this is China's fault and the issues between Australia and China emerged when Australia was the first to call out China on a "potential" lab leak. China rebutted saying they got an outbreak from our meat...

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When you say "our" does that mean you are from Australia, sir?

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Oh yes, sorry lol I am Australian.

Oh that's really cool

It's so nice to meet you

I have always wanted to travel to your country as a child

It's nice to meet someone from my dream country 😇

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Thank you, it is a really beautiful country and I am fortunate to be here :)

You don't mean it

I didn't follow the claims anymore once Biden became President

I am glad that President Trump has been validated

They were so much hated discussions that did a lot of damage to his reputation then

So the political situation with China is getting very interesting.

Amazing. We will see where all this goes.

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The US, along with Western Europe, is going to do all it can to demonize China since they are standing in the way of the Great Reset which will give Washington and Brussels enormous power.

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I recently heard something on the financial predicament the US dollar is in, which explains some of the tension with China in particular. On the one hand if they don't raise interest rates then no-one will want to hold the dollar, so China is looking to offload it's dollars which will cause financial collapse for the US (and the western world in general). However, if they raise interest rates this will also cause financial collapse as people and countries start to forfeit on debt payments. Something of a catch 22 situation it seems.

War is often the way politicians try to get out of sticky situations and rally the people to find another country or culture to blame. This blaming of China for the virus feels a little like the blaming of Jews for the miserable financial situation back in the 30s.

Biden was the one that down played talks. Europe and Australia including Britain wanted to send China a stern message. Allegedly it was Biden that convinced the group not to. US has no intention of engaging in war as it does not see China as a threat to its stability or economic and military power.

China has already threatened Australia with ballistic missle attack.

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As I said below, if they took that action, that would get the US ire up even if it came as a result of pressure for elsewhere.

Biden would be hammered as being extremely weak if he allowed that to happen. As much as the media protects him, the members in Congress have another election in two years.

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That is true he would get hammered as weak. China is aware of the US being here. They depicted Australia as two faced taking Chinese money while holding the US hand. I don't know why they find this odd. We have always been a strong ally with the US.

The US has naval and military bases here which point at China. That's what prompted China's response about military bullying.

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