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RE: White Collar Jobs: The Robots Are Coming For Them

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Law, accounting, finance, admin that whole sector is going to be impacted by it. Google search was one of the leading job loss causes for Legal clerks as no longer did someone need to spend hours in archives searching for cases.

Instead, a simple google search brought them up, accountants will also be greatly impacted.

Looks like the shift in the future will be Labouring jobs. Physical roles that aren't automated. Well, let's be honest there isn't much automation can't do.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


That is true. I wasnt aware of the progress in Accounting but I knew about legal. I use to do work with that industry and it was one of the first ones that software started to impact. A big move was when courts started to accept electronic documents. This opened the door for a host of other software enhanced tied to the ECM.

You are right, what automation cannot do today will be done in 5 or 10 years.

There is now incentive (a market) for companies to produce the products that automate things since corporations are buying them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I keep wondering about my role, but then I need to do negotiations and project planning. So who knows what's able to he changed in that aspect.

people like to negotiate with other people, I don't think robots allow that (yet)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know its coming the finance and accounting world but struggle to see how - large corporations will be the last to give in. Not because they don't want to - more because of the stupidly complex IT infrastructure they have accumulated since the 80's.

To do a job, you have to access to 6 systems, none of which can integrate to feed information. We have DOS based systems, systems no longer supported, etc, and just moving to and ERP can take a decade, if ever. The layers and layers the multination companies built during the conglomerate phase of M&A created this headache.

Honestly - some dinosaurs may die and be replaced by new companies simply because they cannot adapt and change dynamically enough to compete.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, my thoughts exactly. The inconsistency and complex systems of today are over bearing and ridiculous to manage.

I deal with these on a daily basis! Drives me absolutely insane.