
I think it always goes the same way: when they realize they are inside the fascism bubble, it's just too late by then. Now things are so new and exciting and they still consider themselves as victims.

like a frog inside a cooking pot... exactly

😀👌 Good comparison! I like that.

They are not bothered by Trump himself. Maybe they are cut from the same mold.

Elon is entitled to his opinion like everybody else. If it can be proven that 60 Minutes deliberately lied for the purposes of interfering with the election then someone probably does deserve jail time. That would be up to a court to decide

So, no freedom of the press? The press should only stick to a particular narrative?

I get your point, I'm not trying to be dense, but the idea of freedom of speech is either absolute or it's moot.

Listen, I agree with the need for free speech, but Elon is not showing he's fully committed to it.

You cant have your cake and eat it too.

It isn't free speech if government is influencing it. My understanding is that this is what Elon opposes. Vance just gave a speech in Germany about free speech that illustrates the commitment of the admin.

Your point is valid, don't get me wrong. But the idea is to remove government influence, not to burn the house down.

Not sure about the 60 minutes thing specifically but in general, the things Musk is complaining about are the free speech violations, not his complaints themselves. See link:

Elon is correct on both accounts. What's your point?

No contradictions here, none.

Death to the king, long live the king.

Ah, I understand what you are getting at. The prison sentence comment was unwarranted, I agree. Though, there should be severe consequences for such blatant propaganda. Nobody should take them seriously ever again

Both sides of American politics are really good at addressing the horrible things about the other side that are real and neither are even remotely self reflective about their own short comings.

DOGE seems to me like something absolutely necessary, and it needs oversight, but who do you have do that when the other side is clearly just out to get them for exposing their corruption?

I just want to see 90% of government spending on a public ledger and then there will be a basis for real debate.