
You are not the only one who keeps watching #polycub.

I guess there is only one person who can answer this question.

Yes its worrying - the TVL across both polycub and cubfinance have been on a steady decline since 2022. Also, based on the #inleo team updates and AMAs - it doesn't seem like its a focus or priority.

Far from that (focus, priority).

The question is - is this project on the road map at all.
At least - for the next 5-10 years ?
Sometimes I think, this might be a new form of a stealth rug pull.

Maybe devs in charge are expecting me to dump.
If so - they will be disappointed.

perhaps the x vex holders should vote the proposals through that are aimed at helping the platform

I will be following this thread. I hope it will not be left to rot as it was for the past few months...

Its worrying - I made a decision yesterday to move out of Cubfinance farms and take the impermanent loss.

I am not sure what is going on - things have gone silent on Polycub and Cubfinance. Even the wikis/documentation is out of date with some pages being empty.

Pretty sure it's a forgotten relic these days. Cub isn't far behind at the moment. That's not trash talking Leo or anything like that just stating facts which I know pisses some people of for some reason. But this is business, finance and money there's no sugar coating.

Once my xPOLYCUB staking period finishes - I will be moving out of the platform.

Sad man - it has potential. The link I had saved had Polycub price saved as $0.403


You said it perfectly - forgotten relics.