1/๐งต Life's Big Question: Unraveling The Mystery Of Purpose
Sometimes, I find thoughts about life and our purposes too complex to talk about but in real sense, they are simple and need only personal decisions to find them out. #outreach #threadstorm #hivelearners
Purposes differ from one person to another, only those who take their time to connect deeply and think hard on what they really want from life and give back to life, are able to find their purposes.
Read more about the post here #gosh
Thanks :)Sorry for the 'cold call' message here. But I am looking for support for my Witness :) @thebbhproject. If you have a spare vote or think I am worthy, support would be awesome.
That's right. I love such topics and I will do well to check it out.
Thanks for sharing and have a great day Merit.
Thanks Winny!