JLM editor here again


This is me, Michaela Salcido. I'm the women that does the writing , researching, digital design for JLM Magazine.
(J'aime Le Monde Magazine "Love The World Magazine").

Why are we special? We represent you!

We are female college educated day traders, and we want to show case the new generational movement. The models, the photographer, and the writers here at JLM believe in sharing the influence of finance, relationships, and decision making in an authentic way.

It's kind of remarkable how we came together, but to cut the story short- we are all friends and we have come together to show being intelligent is sexy. And we appreciate that the millennial men love it!!! They support it!! Because they too believe a women intelligence is sexy!!

We believe in a new generational voice. We talk about in our podcast!
Look for us 'JLM' on Spotify & Anchor.

What do you think a generational is?