Arch was my second choice, but due to all the manual fixing I decided against it this time around. Definitely setting up a virtual install of it though, to experiment with it.
Since you obviously know your way around this stuff, have you looked into NixOS? Seems to have some advantages over other distros, but also quite different than them
haven’t heard of that. Oh it’s targeting declarative system state thingy that might be good. But little bit hesitant because I read package manager nix - my thought was, please not yet another package manager 😅
Regarding, arch depending on what hardware you have it might get real realm of configuration.
What issue do you have with Ubuntu?
oh it's nothing concrete, I've just heard that the company culture Canonical isn't the best, that they have some really questionable employment processes and simply the fact that they're so huge.
source: duckduckgo ai-assist
Ah just remembered Manjaro. It's arch based but more easy
Thanks for the tip! I'm up and running on Manjaro now. Really really nice distro. Saved my weekend
welcome, always good to provide useful information 👌
Ah yeah - the classic^^ Yeah Canonical is not always moving wisely