Youtube Summarizer update
More videos than usual has failed today, due to timeouts from Hive API nodes. A more robust system has been implemented to handle this, and videos should now have the same approximate success rate as before.
Rest assured that any video that haven't been summarized yet (at any time throughout the week) has still been recorded, and will get picked up and summarized eventually.
Excellent. We should have a good Lions Den today discussing this.
The numbers look good.
Yep. Just gotta keep an eye on those RCs

I added a lot more yesterday. It is still getting sucked down. I will add more later today.
first time ever that RC's has started to become a problem lol
This shows that a lot of work is being done.
A problem we can resolve.
We are making it work hard :)
I'm very curious about the numbers.
I believe that November will be the record of records.
We pushed it hard as well. Well done that you can keep updating it
The pushing was actually not the issue. Hive API Node acting sluggish was, and the fact that I didn't have a proper retry and backup-node fallback functionality in place
wow, that's great news, not only have you built something cool you're committed to giving updates. This tool can be a nice software. Maybe a good app on Play store and Apple store
Thanks for informing.