I'm experiencing similar issues on windows 10/11, but I've gotten so used to them I almost don't notice anymore. It sure would be nice to get some of these sorted soon though, even though I know getting shorts stable is the priority these days #feedback
Another thing I'd really like to see is the ability to open search results in new tabs, instead of the search windows just closing after you click one of the search results. Then you have to set up the entire search all over again
Well we can't sort them out if they aren't reported
In the future, we're gonna need specific issues + screenshots in your #feedback threads
Based on the above feedback, I have nothing actionable I can fix
Thank you
You're right - I'm usually more thorough in these but I admit I took a couple shortcuts in this one. I will sit down this weekend and try to report them one at a time with screenshots/videos. Thanks for the feedback.