Summary Stats from November 28, 2024
Yesterday, the Youtube Summarizer processed a total of 1.3 million input tokens, producing approximately 262,000 output tokens that was posted to chain. That's still about 2.5 full-length novels. In all fairness it's holiday season and I'm working really hard on some codebase upgrades. Soon we will be back and with higher numbers than ever!
Still some awesome work by those who participated #summarystats
How does this work? I missed any explanations when you started this. Do I just embed a YouTube video and do the exclamation point summarize thing? Or do I need to do something else as well?
Thanks for asking! Here is everything you need to know
If you want to know more than that, check my latest blog post
o tried it before it's pretty good you take a YouTube linked
It goes like this:
YouTube Links
I really like being able to use that tool. It's pretty amazing
I'm happy to hear that!