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RE: Liking Those Chains

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It's like the Stockholm Syndrome, when people fall in love with their prosecutor. It's something much perversely linked to the power admiration.

BUT still, many people do not understand that this is just a way of being scared of freedom, because being slave is easier for some aspects but much more difficult for other. It's the moment in between that is the hardest, when people try to escape their chains and they are prosecuted from the slaver AND from the other ones that will start judging


Being a slave is easier - unless perhaps you are a real slave.

It's the moment in between that is the hardest, when people try to escape their chains and they are prosecuted from the slaver AND from the other ones that will start judging

And it is the "other ones" that are the worst these days. They have no rules, they punish whatever makes them feel uncomfortable.