
I would when charging stations will become available around town. Also, it's mostly cold here which might not be ideal for EVs

it's mostly cold here

U r from Phillipines??

Yes. While it's a tropical country, my town is in the northern part (mountainous region).

It's a luxury for u find such a region as your native place.

Indeed. We are grateful to have it as our home.

👍 👍 👍

Hmmm...the main issue is the charging station and it's availability....

A two-wheeler? A electric motorcycle or electric bike? Electric bikes here are common, and they work great. You should for sure research your options first.

TBH, with electric bikes being so common and their ability to go more places than a motorcycle, I could see them being more popular then e motorcycles in the long run.

There arent many e motorcycles out yet, there is a very nice dirt bike like ebike I've seen that. Higher end for the options available but it's basically an e-dirt bike (like a desert motorcycle) that is popular for urban transit.

The only place I've seen them where "everyone had them" was in Thousands Oaks, Ventura County. People living usually have an easier time affording said two-wheelers.