
if you look at the same post or comment on PeakD, then you’ll see the Hive rewards pool reward but NOT the $LEO rewards pool it earned

If you look on leofinance, we now show both rewards pools. Since you’re earning hive and Leo

But we are also earning HP, that is also an earning after all. So why not LEO+HBD+HP to project the actual payout?

on threads it will only show HBD + LEO

On posts it will show Hive earnings + Leo. It actually works this way on PeakD too but they name it “hive rewards”. We may change it to show the real currencies you are earning vs. hive payout value

Okay. If that is the case, then show the share of the author only; for instance, the author receives 50% of the LEO reward, then show the author part only, and if possible mention it there. That will be much better.

That's not how any other Hive UI works.

We can maybe break out the Author/Curation rewards. I'm not sure why we would change the standard of showing Total Payout vs. showing just what an author is getting

Perhaps a 50/50 in the hover box

U r absolutely right. I just checked now. And indeed, on the Hive frontend, it's showing 0.05 HBD as the potential payout.
