"Please understand, I am sensitive to mental health issues."
"I have downvoted to take the rep of @proofofbrainio account to below zero."
I'm sorry, but this doesn't seem like you're very sensitive to mental health issues. I’m a bit taken aback by this. Lots of perfectly capable people have had or deal with depression.
But hopefully in those cases that medical condition didn’t impact their clients.
Personally I am sensitive to mental health problem, but if it impacts decision making and basic understanding of blockchain from a project manager of a tribe, I am uneasy to put my money into it.
Yet knowing that this person has had issues with depression you still felt it okay to downvote their rep to -3 and effectively hide any conversation from them. If you don't see an issue with that, then I don't think you have any sensitivity to mental health issues at all.
I've just gone through some of the accounts last comments, having to reveal each individual comment you downvoted, and I don't even see spam. I see discussion and each comment being unique.
And incidentally, yes, many people are quite capable of not letting their depression be apparent and do fantastic jobs for their clients, so I'm not about to judge someone's ability just because it's been disclosed that they have had depression.
Again, in this case that is inaccurate.
I am the client here. I didn't get the service I requested.
That account is a ‘front’ it's not a personal account. I don't know if you understand the difference. The reason I want it negative is because the same way we handle spammers on hive, I like to provide caution to an average user when they come across that account.
There is no other feature available to me that I can accomplish this on hive.
I use downvote extensively but as it is suggested on the discussion maybe we should change the name to “replenishment of rewardpool” :)
Now on a more personal note to you specifically @minismallholding; I have noticed that you take DV negatively and many others do too. I like to make it abundantly clear that it is a very useful tool, and the only tool we have to protect users like you. You seem to care about your rewards (I don’t), but without people like me downvoting, your dollar value reward will be cut in half or less with a week.
I get no financial or social benefit for doing what I do. I hope you understand that.
I think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of all of the 2nd layer tokens(Communitites aka tribes), and I admit I myself still don't fundamentally understand them just yet either.
We are not clients in any of these tribes unless specified in some way and they didn't promise us any services. We are users of the platform they made. Since they have tools Hive Engine made for muting/getting rid of curating(I didn't know that existed until today). Clients would be serviced and our needs taken care of by some sort of Customer Service or Manager or something, we also don't have any agreement with any 2nd layer token creator to be their clients in any capacity I am aware of(are their tribes making these promises?), just users of their Community if they decide to let us into their Community. The Hive Engine code allows them to not allow entry/use.
It seems the Hive Engine tools allow a lot of things that are potentially pretty bad(as markymark recently posted some good posts and details). Tools are neutral though, a screwdriver can be used to fix something or can be used to murder an innocent person. I don't see an incentive at present for people to misuse muting people en masse, because if a creator of a tribe does it could potentially ruin their reputation/community if they take actions the community doesn't agree with, or it could potentially strengthen their community and make it better.
I am not quite sure how to think about the ability of someone to curate in a Community being removed. My thoughts on that before I knew it was a thing was that as long as the creator of that tribe has enough stake they could just upvote something that was getting downvoted and that's how to solve for that issue, this "muting of curating" adds a different level I am not sure is actually needed. For instance, if things got so bad and a Whale(let's call him Justin Sun") was screwing over the entire platform people can fork off and not give Justin Sun any Hive. I was of the same mind on these 2nd layer tokens, if someone came in and was ruining everything that tribe could just tell everyone "hey we are relaunching our new token and air dropping you all at a 1 to 1 ratio, except for that whale who is downvoting us".
Whales on 2nd layer tokens can easily lose all of their investment if a token creator decides they are starting up a new project and tells people to stop using the current one. Can a creator of the token shut down the website? For instance, can Khal just shut down leofinance website and nobody can do anything anymore?
If not, he could also just mute everyone which means nobody can post or curate/earn anymore so now even if the website is up and running nobody can do anything. That makes the token worthless. Then he could say "we are air dropping Leo2 token at a 1 to 1 ratio to those who were on the Good List, Naughty List gets nothing". By doing that he could crash the entire market of the coin as well.
There are some major implications and problems I am seeing with 2nd layer tokens.
We were talking about rep, not rewards, I thought. Isn't that why you said you downvoted the account?
Anyway, that was never my point. I was trying to point out the contradiction between saying you understand mental health issues and then saying you bashed that same person's rep below 0.
You'd make a great politician, btw.
I love to be a politician someday! Thank you for the recognition.
Again...and for the last time... keyword: 'person'.
proofofbrainio is not a person it is a FRONT.
I wanted to reduce the REP of that FRONT for the reason of SAFETY to POTENTIAL INVESTORS OF THE POB TOKEN.
There is still a person behind that front, though. Just like there is always a person behind the wheel of a car.
Is there such a thing as computer rage? 🤔
You'd think he'd use his main account to go around chasing drama and defending a ranter regarding the Hive rewards pool in that case and keep his tribe account for tribe business.
“If you can't understand it without an explanation, you can't understand it with an explanation.”
― Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
Try the book sometime, if you find time!
I think that's a cop out on @minismallholding az you posted spam and even wrote it was spam and all the whales upvoted it. You didn't decline the rewards you accepted them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta