Surely you can't rock up at your girlfriend's and tell the parents you are a gamer, am sure we can imagine the look that will follow, a loser kind of look...
Lmao even my dad doesn’t still get it
I am a Crypto Trader, how does that sound?
Even this doesn’t cut it well enough.
I’ll be checking this comment section back for more people’s answers.
Hahaha give us your answer 🤣 I chose the lame Web 3.0 content creator which I don't think is cool lol
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile
Blockchain analyst?
Because before you can truly analyze something, you have to use it, or be using it which is exactly what we do here. We use blockchain products and create content around them.
What do you think?
I think am liking the Blockchain analyst description, infact that some nice and might raise curiosity from those that don't understand what Blockchain is.
Posted using LeoFinance Mobile