Which one are you? I’m none of these, I use mobile for everything including coding. I just need to be able to do video while I record my screen and I’m good.
Which one are you? I’m none of these, I use mobile for everything including coding. I just need to be able to do video while I record my screen and I’m good.
I'm 9 + 1. Used to be 6 in my previous job.
yeah I guess most people are 9
For sure. Got an extra monitor for trading view.
buy apple vision pro and you’re all set for everything
As an Apple guy, I'm drooling right now! 😂
Were you a military drone pilot? or day trader?
😅 Actually, neither one. I was a live events video director.
I was going to say that next.
bad ass!
Some times I miss setting up my multi-view. I had this media server that allowed me to customize and align each view, add clocks etc..
nice monitor
I'm 4A (or 10): horizontal screen is a laptop, and vertical screen is over laptop screen
you’re a techy techy person
Thank you, but not really. My surface space is limited.
At work I am 3, at home I’m 9, but most of the time I’m on mobile, like you! The most convenient way, although I’ve noticed my eyes don’t like it much anymore 🙈
I think you’re still okay, some people are 6 😄
I'm a 3 and have been this way for many years now. I'd gladly do a 5 though.
lol nice, just buy the Apple vision pro then you can have virtual multiple split screen
Doesn't it cost like an arm, a leg and a testicle?
and a right kidney 😭
I might splurge if we have a serious bull run, but as things are, I'm going to stay with my two-monitor set up which I've had for like 5 years, lol.
I go for 5 and maybe with a 2 in the middle
hehe nice. That’s a boss set up
I love it....
number 6 always
lmao are you a hacker?
No a crypto trader 😂
1 but would like to have at least a 3 for sure. Not experienced in coding but how's been your experience doing it on phone? Do most coders take this approach? Cheers.
I would love a 5 actually, but I will just wait till I can afford the Apple vision pro.
I use Replit IDE to code, it’s fit for mobile so it works fine, but also, I only do simple stuff, more technical coding would likely not be as easy
I have 8 but with a ultra wide in the middle
So it looks like 2 in the middle but 8 on the sides
what do the two on the side do?