Mannn at this point I'm not even sure I feel like converting everything I have into cub and using the den....but then again the cub-busd farm just feels right. The aim is to get as much cub as possible
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Mannn at this point I'm not even sure I feel like converting everything I have into cub and using the den....but then again the cub-busd farm just feels right. The aim is to get as much cub as possible
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Its same to me but my plan still farms in CUB-BUSD LP 70% and CUB Dens 30%
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Same for me....for now. The value of my busd has dropped due to low price of cub. However if cub recovers to $6, ill be good again
Well, i've been adding liquidity when the price around $7, due the price drop at $4 HODL is the best option for us 😁
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta