OMG!!!, I'm so so sorry about this. So this is the main reason you weren't active on WhatsApp.
It so sad, very sad. I don't even know what to say about this country.
The police are meant to protect us from criminals, and the case is reversal as they are the criminal here.
We aren't safe anymore even the ladies aren't safe. So far you are wearing designers or using an iPhone you are automatically a criminal... The harassments are too much, in my street they beat up young boys so far they are using an iPhone...
Like you stated, the best thing is to leave this country, there's no hope at all, the government has no plan for us, I just pity the coming generation 😥😥. The chances of surviving in Nigeria is very low.
I hope you are good now, I'm sorry once again.
Take care of yourself please, mistural cares ♥️.
Thank you for taking the time, I totally appreciate your gesture, there is no other choice but to leave the country. I'm currently in shock still of what could and what didn't happen to me.
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There is another way: Please see my comment: #matrix8