Yeah I think a lot of people are simply waiting for it to hit a dollar and then pull out everything they got. Sad if true, and I hope it's not...
It's true that you can do some research but to me that's now how it should be. It should be in my face. If it's in my face, I know they're active and they give a shit, rather than like you say, go AFK and come back a couple of times a year. I want people who legitimately care, like you, about how things are going forward. And perhaps they all do, but I don't get that vibe just by doing a little research.
You said you've personally spoken to one who has given up, but I couldn't really make an educated guess whatsoever who. I can probably rule out you, Btrades and gtg, though still maybe not at 100%. But the rest? Free for all. Could be any or all of 'em.
That's just not conducive to a voting democratic ecosystem. If they don't care it should be utterly obvious because 50 more who do care should be crawling over each other to take their place.
To be clear my votes are gonna be going back to OCD and btrades with almost 99% certainty once I've trawled through the alternatives lol. Just making a political point with that. Lowering APR to 0% would be at worst a bit of a bother for me personally lol.
Honestly you do have a point that there should be more attention to these parts of hive from the front-ends, similar to how they warn you about your gov votes running out or other things they could place some reminders to check your witness votes and also look at the DHF proposal and then on top of it all make it easier for you to find out what people are up to somehow. Those wanting to stay in the top and wanting to rise the ranks would surely do what it takes to make it easier for voters to figure out what they up to.
Yeah exactly. I know they have a lot of other things on their plates, but so does every other leader of every other thing, and those people generally have the burden to be the public figure to garner knowledge and trust in what it is they do.
I mean I guess its fine if they don't bother, I still ironically trust them all more than most corporate leaders and chairs, I'd just say in that case to get rid of the whole governance farce entirely, given the nature of DPOS Just give the power to vote to the top 10 stakeholders or something lol