I guess we disagree a bit on the governance aspect, largely because you know them well, while I don't know them at all, and I think I represent whatever everyday users are left on here - we know nothing about them.
Like I said in my own post I wouldn't normally change votes based on a single issue, but until I actually know something about anyone, I can either make choices from the one aspect of APR, or do nothing at all. Most people are opting to do nothing at all, which is the death of democracy.
Maybe I just need to give up a bit on that being a focal point of the project and just accept the top 20 no matter what... It's not like it isn't running well or turning totalitarian lol.
As for the 20% being the promotion... I think somebody somewhere needs to start looking for an actual economist and professional marketer XD
Thanks for reaching out, Mobbs. Good to see you.
I appreciate the discussions - I come and go but always around!