When dealing with something of this magnitude, it is not an overnight process.We now live in a world of instant gratification.
Well, yeah, but this isn't really 'instant gratification'. Hive / Steem has existed for the better part of a decade, and on the surface to most consumers, it hasn't functionally changed in any way at all in that time.
The crypto space itself has been around for what, 15 years? And there was some initial altcoin development and some lofty scammy ideas, a handful of potential decent use cases. Almost none of them came to fruition, and I haven't really heard anything hit the headlines of noteworthiness other than the price of BTC being either pumping or dumping.
It's not so much the need for instant gratification in this case, as it is just can something please happen, before we retire and fade away.
The internet wasn't an overnight process, sure. But from the day of public release, 1993, it gained 100,000 front ends in 3 years and 45 million users. Half a billion people in 7 years, the same duration I've been using Hive, which has seen a growth of about -80%
The problem with framing Hive that way is half of that was under Steemit Inc which did nothing for many years.
As for crypto in general, there are hundreds of millions of users. You can debate what they really do, which would be valid. That said, they are involved.
I think the biggest issue is the fact we are dealing with the overwhelming majority simply being green candle people. The industry is absent builders required.
Also, we are not seeing networks focusing upon the totality of their offerings. Too many are simply trying to duplicate what is already out there.
They had different goals (greed). Different goals for the same entity just goes to show that multiple approaches aren't working.
Sure, agreed, but when businesses hit a hurdle they either die or they overcome. Hive neither innovates (visibly, entrepreneurially), nor dies off as a failure. It just floats in purgatory as long as a steady trickle of value oozes out of it.
The world record for most blood squeezed from a stone.
That's not to say I'm an anti-hive doomer. I'm just getting impatient waiting for the day for literally anything to happen. I tried myself and failed, I'm not willing to put my entire life savings into something that will just float along with 7 monthly users and Venezuelan bot accounts using PeakD's AI tool to automate comments. Not enough of that blood is ever squeezed out to properly incentivise somebody to actually take anything on and dedicate full time to the end of any project. 10 more years of 'minor improvements to the back end'
Who are you looking to solve the problem?
Here is where I disagree with most. People keep talking about Hive. What are they even talking about? It is a network. That is all.
Now if you want Web 2.0, it is a network that is owned by a company that provides features and attracts users. This is what FB, Twitter, and YT did. A company keep advancing the platform forward.
That is not Hive. I dont think people realize what they are dealing with. Again, as mentioned elsewhere, what services are offered? Who is building them? Here is the core issue.
People want decentralization but dont accept responsibility for what is taking place (or not happening).
The missing nugget. Show me the business people. There is the root cause of the problem in my view. It actually translates throughout Web 3.0 although not as bad. At least Ethereum has VC companies running many of the projects being developed.
Yeah I've read your stuff before saying this and of course I agree. I'm not exactly saying Hive is a business but that, in order to grow, it needs to be treated in the same kind of way. There needs to be someone who wants to see it grow and who will take major financial action for it to do so.
It's not just gonna grow by magic. It's not gonna go viral after just the right tweet by the right person and burst into the mainstream zeitgeist.
We could double down on 'its just a network' and say it has no desire to grow, the very concept of asking it to is wrong... but then well, what's even the point in being here for anyone? I think everyone here wants to see Hive grow, become mainstream, become valuable, become implemented into numerous front-ends and lifestyles.
The only way it could ever become part of a wider ecosystem of web3 or whatever, is if someone who is already here, who is still passionate and well-funded, comes up with a massively successful idea orders of magnitude beyond anything like splinterlands (which is just a bot farm as far as I can tell).
I wish I was that person but, like everyone else here, I'm not an entrepreneur, as much as I've tried. Maybe Acidyo's holozing?
(Edited to cut down on size)
There are a lot of initiatives that are moving in that area. Sure, Holozing is one. I do not follow it closely so I cannot comment on the game or prospects for success. @simplegame is building an entire Web 3.0 platform that has potential. There is the latest spend2earn with an app evidently built to help that initiative. There is the lightning network integration.
These are just a few off the top of my head that appeared in the last few months.