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RE: Some of my students could use your help (ideas for how to add value to the Hive community)

in LeoFinance4 years ago
  1. Hive has quick and feeless transfers. Perhaps your students could think of a way to leverage that for businesses to accept online payments on a semi-anonymous,trust less fashion. I'm thinking that maybe they could develope a shopping cart app which handles payment through hive. They could also make use of hive's encrypted transfer memos for sending and receiving order information.

  2. A legacy/archiving service. More and more people are regarding their digital footprint (usually via social media) as a legacy. The only problem is that most services can and will arbitrarily delete the account and all the information with it. With hive, the individual owns the account and since the data is embedded in the previous blocks, it cannot be removed.

  3. Develop a means to translate photos into text and back. That way photos and/or documents (like signed contracts) could be stored on the blockchain as text and decoded at a later time. @creatr did some work on this a few years back, so they could start there.

Hope these help.


@moeknows - Greetings, Moe!

I'm glad you remembered this. For clarification to anyone reading; have you ever noticed an image missing in an old post? This happens for various reasons, but the most important one is that (AFAIK) all images embedded in Hive articles are not stored on blockchain, but rather are out on some external cloud service... However, my understanding is that (because the blockchain is a financial instrument of great importance to the community) the text portions of posts stored on blockchain is durable.

In case anyone is interested in following up, I published three articles on this topic several years ago.. I think my experiments were successful enough for anyone to see that this idea works, and I've provided enough information for anyone to try it for themselves. I actually archived a PDF file with an embedded image...

It would be nice to have a "standard utility" for doing this... Any ambitious developers out there? :)

Here are links to the three articles, in chronological order. The PDF/image is still on the blockchain! I just tested the process, sourcing the file from the first article in the list below...

Experimental Steemit Blockchain File Archive Test
Steemit Archive Test? What's He On About?
Steemit Archive Test - What I Did, and What I Learned

If you happen to try this, or have any questions, please contact me.

- @creatr

P.S. The last article in the above series of three suggests the "next step" in making this valuable/useful; namely, a programmatic way of easily automating the process and of enabling the chaining of arbitrary sized files across multiple Hive posts...

Thanks for sharing the nuts and bolts of your prior experiment. Very interesting.

You're more than welcome!
I hope someone finds it useful. :)

Interesting use cases, for sure.

I don't think my current students have the technical skills to tackle any of those. However, I am planning to offer a tech-focused blockchain course in the spring, that I will market specifically to computer science and engineering students.

Ok how about this,

  1. Create an archiving service to mirror accounts from other platforms. Recently, a number of high profile people have had their accounts disabled, deleted or otherwise unavailable. A service could be created (with their consent) to copy all of their content to Hive this preserving it forever.