Thanks for using one of the silverbloggers graphics on your posts.
These are made for everyone to use freely and do not need any mentioning.
For the sake of having less notifications on my hive profil i ask you kindly to stop referring to mondoshawan. Thanks a lot for your understanding.
Oh derpy derp derp! I'm so sorry. I thought that enclosing it in
tags had neutered it, so that it doesn't ping you any more. There is another one on its way as well, that I have just posted, I'm sorry.I understand your desire to not be pinged, however, I still feel the need to acknowledge you as the creator of the image, if only I could do it without pinging you. On
HIVE, if I still have to cite sources that are from Pixabay and other such CC0 and PD licensed image sites, then I should definitely cite you as a source of images too.
If i want/need to source, i use links and send folks to the original creator. So if you want to cite me, please use this possibility...
...that way it will not ping anyone! Thank you!
Okay, I will do that in future. Sorry about this hassle.