
I don't know about options on the ETH ETFs, but iBit would be a good one to check out. could be a good way to start and earn some yield some BTC.

I already hold IBIT in my IRA. The premiums are not good where I am comfortable at. The volatility makes it a little fast for my blood!

Yeah, MSTR has gotten me a few times with the volatility. Yeah, the iBit premiums have dropped a bunch since I looked last.

I have been playing MSTR on the options selling strategy and have absolutely KILLED it in the last few months. Still have 200 shares I am playing on, but if I end up getting executed, that's fine because I want to go back to poor man's covered calls so I am not having SO much of the capital taken up on a couple of contracts. Need to spread out the risk a bit so I am not so heavy in that one stock. Will probably move that strategy over to NVDA and TSLA.

Went ahead and sold a short term covered call for this week at 56. We'll see.

What are your rules for setting your covered calls? I always watch supply and demand zones and also heavily rely on the delta. I generally pick something in the .30ish Delta range. Basically the market saying there is a 30% chance of this executing.

I normally go in the 0.2 ish Delta range, but I don't really have any rules. Just wing it.

I know, I know. I really should get more formalized on that.

I used to be primarily a dividend stock holder and would run something akin to the wheel strategy, but switching to more volatile stocks is a bit foreign. I basically decided this past year to put my IRA all in crypto-related entities. Started out with ETF's. Premiums are definitely better though.

I don't have enough money in the IRA to roll on MSTR (unless the introduce mini's), but I just thought today that I will see if I can find a list of MSTR copycats that may have lower prices and try on one of those.

Have a feeling it will take a while to get used to.

I am trading for my family's hedge fund. We have a big dividend account on M1 Finance that we use as a bank. We can do margin loans against it, which is what we used to build up the options trading account. I have been riding this MSTR wave for a while, I mean, got to get the opportunity while it's there. I get paid on the profits of the options premiums I earn from selling options and we are also using profits to put into our homestead farm business. I am taking my earnings and using some, but investing in miners and modular off-grid solar setups to power them. This will earn me crypto that I can use to buy silver from APMEX or JMBullion. I then play the silver/gold ratio and when the ratio drops to a level I like, I will flip silver to gold. In the meantime miners keep mining DOGE/LTC and XMR and I use that to buy more silver, etc. It's easy to write off the miners as computer equipment, lol.

I am running options on MSTR, NVDA, and MARA right now. I am wanting to diversify some risk. My NVDA option looks like it will be executed this week if it holds above 140. So I am going to get that 14K back and start doing more poor man's covered calls on some different stocks without risking so much capital but still making more than I would with the 1 NVDA contract. When one of the MSTR contracts or MARA contracts executes and I get those funds back, I am going to do the same. Basically 50% of the options will be against the actual stocks and the other will be against leap options. That's the plan at least. I have been tweaking it as I go along. But it's been working... That's all I can say, lol.