Teaching job is the best part-time job for any young person out there who has the ambition to continue their education. It keeps you in the education line, which will help keep your brain active for any exams.
#outreach #threadstorm
Teaching job is the best part-time job for any young person out there who has the ambition to continue their education. It keeps you in the education line, which will help keep your brain active for any exams.
#outreach #threadstorm
I brought up the idea of holding extra lessons for my students to the school principal. This meant I would be working later than usual and returning home late, but it was to avoid the extra work I used to do at home for my grandma.
This is the full post #gosh https://inleo.io/@monsoor1/i-never-liked-teaching-job-this-is-what-happened-
i did teaching job in local school and believe me I think it's job for dedicated people who want to deliver their knowledge otherwise it's hectic job.
I'm telling you.. It is 🤦♂️