
5MB would have done better

it will be changed, it was a topic on today‘s ama 👍🏽

I just got that as well... I was not too happy :(

it‘s gonna increase, was a topic on today‘s ama 👍🏽

Nice nice nice! :D thats great news

What is the max file size elsewhere?

I believe YT is 2MB

YT is a videosite … the posterframes or thumbnails are not the mainfocus there …

Good question! I can't remember ever having seen such a message anywhere except on special photography websites where it is also about completely different orders of magnitude. I would say a max of 5mb should be enough. The photos I generally upload are 1920x1080px jpgs (100%), depending on the image content between 2 and 4MB in size. That‘s generally a good enough quality to be compressed again elsewhere beyond my control.

X/Twitter Maximum file size: Up to 5MB for photos and GIFs on mobile. Up to 15MB on the web.

Different sources say different things for FB, but i found a max of 30MB on a few more recent sites.

LinkedIn 8MB

Pinterest 20MB

YouTube Banner image 6MB

Snapchat 5MB

… just a quick research 🖖🏼👁🤙🏼

I've got that too, ended up downloading the image and uploading it that way and it worked.