Oh wow, that‘s not a nice easter surprise 😳 sorry to hear that you‘re ending the #nolosslottery and thank you for the work and the winnings up to here 👍🏽 Is there a final ledger with names and numbers somewhere?
Oh wow, that‘s not a nice easter surprise 😳 sorry to hear that you‘re ending the #nolosslottery and thank you for the work and the winnings up to here 👍🏽 Is there a final ledger with names and numbers somewhere?
Thanks for your participation. Yes the post contains a list of name and amount deposited, and I sent all funds back yesterday.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very welcome 👍🏽 I‘ve seen the list in the post above, but i meant the ledger you used to post earlier where one could see the ticket numbers and all that. I just wanted to recheck all my transactions with @nolosslottery for myself and came across an old problem that still has no solution. As far as i know there‘s no option anywhere to search through all transactions and filter comfortably other than on the PeakD wallet, but that only works for main chain and not second layer stuff.
Hi @moretea
There is a blockchain explorer for hive-engine at this site: https://he.dtools.dev/
You can search by name, so you can search your transactions there.
Additionally if you sign into Hive-Engine exchange you can open your Leo wallet and see your Leo transactions at the symbol of a box with straightlines.
I hope this helps.
Take Care,
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I appreciate your effort, but i know both options and none of them provides the search/filter i‘m looking for. On hive-engine it is about the same as opening my wallet on leo-finance, no transaction search, no use. dtools is almost there, just one search field more would do the trick … -my account- and -token- is there, but a third field for -transacting account- is missing … then one could search for all transactions between two specific accounts plus the transacted token … i.e. moretea-nolosslottery-leo … this would be massively helpful for everybody, don‘t you think? … let‘s check out if the engine and dtools dev @reazuliqbal is still around and can help with this or at least explain if it should‘nt be possible for some reason … i don't understand why this is not a standard option in the wallets 🤔 i‘ll try and put this topic on the table over on discord.
Now I see your point, and yes that would be great..
I wonder if this is possible with a SQL inquiry.
@geekgirl writes about SQL inquiries on HiveStats, so she is one resource.
I think @daltz also queries blockchain databases so he may have ideas also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i‘m pretty sure this must be possible somehow … thought about @daltz too, didn‘t know about @geekgirl, great … now that we called them let‘s hope they want to be summoned to take a look 👍🏽
I think @edicted writes bots which do queries also...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
didn‘t know that, great 👍🏽