It's not really a zero-sim-income strategy, otherwise we'd all be winners!
It's a maximise-population strategy to get hive income from the rankings - so essentially a high-rank-hive-income strategy. The zero sim income is merely a consequence of this - lots of population and popularity and forsake the income cards.
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Yea, I get that more Hive rewards but wouldn't the SIM rewards highly surpass the Hive reward in terms of value.
Generally, yes. There are a limited and competitive slots where this strategy is viable as well. But as a simple answer, this strategy uses different cards than the SIM strategies, unloved cards, cheap cards.
The rewards also aren't subject to tax, which is low right now but could be higher. And the reward pool has been expanding! How high it could go is anybodies guess, but that affects the math here as well.
Ohh 😮 holy moly
not so good together in one account! Hence decide on what you wish to pursue and stick to it.Yep, as @ecoinstant said. Also a reminder that two different strategies can both be good, but
Was a few moths ago when I totally changed strategy - was not hard to do but it did take a bit of buying and selling.