
Sometimes I am afraid of death especially when I am sick , also I don't want to lose the people I love.

You are not the only one, death is inevitable so we might at times be afraid of it.

My dear was about death but no more since I came to understand that the dead can not harm us because they are powerless.

Nice to know you are no longer afraid of it.

Loosing my loved ones is my worst

True, we always feel bad when our loved ones is taken away from us by death

Losing people I love that's my biggest fear.

We all are always afraid of this, and wish that it doesn't happen.

i fear not been successful.
Not having at old age

Nice, we all might at times be afraid of this and that's why we should work hard and do our very best, I hope you are doing so?

Am very mindful of that

Nice, continue bro hustle go soon pay

my biggest fear is not winning

Thanks for sharing

Her fear is a big one and somehow a good one. Doing your best now to prepare before marriage will go a long way to help


Nice, some are always afraid of marrying the wrong partner thereby leading to failed marriage.

fear of unknown and betrayel top my charts.