
yea I think so because life has taught me some lessons that are worth it. It's still teaching it Neva stops teaching us and I love learning buh positive ones

True, we can learn many vital lessons in life

What are some of the lessons you have learned?

Lessons like always listening in class that really affects me now

Nice lesson you learnt.

what have you done to improve?

Try to be listening now

So, what have you learnt?

lIfe has thought me to be patient and wait because sometimes we are scared of things that will never happen

True, we should always be patient, you really learnt a vital lesson in life.

I was taught by life that in it is not easy, also I should not expect to get everything I wish for.

Life have thought me not to trust anyone

This is a very deep lesson

Have anyone break your trust?

I don't think i can count it... So i just prepare my mind for it.

Life has so many things to teach us.

  • Patience

  • Be good and do good for there's a great reward attached to it

  • Help others in need

  • Be contented with what you have

  • Not all that glitters is gold.

  • Think before you leap

You've truly learned a lot in life, continue learning.

Thanks for the reply

Life has taught me never to rely on anyone and to make wise use of my time.

Nice, but you can rely on me I don't disappoint