i was commenting on the knowledge you got on the #yoga lesson you earlier mention, so if one aren't informed then ......... you where informed, adding to that, information is power.
1/ Personally i chose to stop eating meat in 2006 when i learned about the horrific conditions (especially in large scale farming) that animals suffer. In 2008 from a #yoga training i learned our consciousness is affected by what we eat
Well, i wouldn't want to be a "lamb to the slaughter", but each to his own!
2/ and four legged are of the lowest vibration. Birds are higher, yet still not good for human physical, mental or emotional health.
No judgement, as i said, each to his own.
When we are more informed we can make different choices
Sure you are, if one aren't informed, the person is deformed in that part, thanks for sharing.
i don't understand what you mean
i was commenting on the knowledge you got on the #yoga lesson you earlier mention, so if one aren't informed then ......... you where informed, adding to that, information is power.
ok, more clear now. But not sure that not being informed (ie. lacking some information) means being deformed) - not what i meant anyway.
1/ Personally i chose to stop eating meat in 2006 when i learned about the horrific conditions (especially in large scale farming) that animals suffer. In 2008 from a #yoga training i learned our consciousness is affected by what we eat
Thats for you and its cool, i eat meat too but not often though.