  1. Do you remember the onset of the pronouncement of the new interface? maybe you have forgotten but i just reminded of the old days when the interface was at its juvenile stage.
  1. Remembered that it was called the PROJECT BLANK? Do you know why?, lets get this straight. It was because building the interface was not just about an ordinary site integration on the internet, it was just more.
  1. It was called that name then because it was more like a brand, a project but as at then the project was blank because the necessary features hasn't been added to make it filled up so that the name would be changed, but right now...
  1. It is now called the EVERYTHINGAPP, noticed that? Everythingapp in the sense that things are now eventually falling into place as features are been added to fill the blank space. Right now we can apparently enjoy the fulness of it.
  1. Features like Threads, Communities, Bookmark, notification, wallet, choice features and many more that the interface needed to make it change a name from blank to occupied and now everything.